Current Hybrid Course Offering
APTS offers online courses required for the Graduate Certificate in Ministerial and Theological Studies. M. A. and M. Div. Students who need these courses can also take them online with the approval of the academic dean.
The course list below are to be offered on the First Trimester of SY: 2023 – 2024.
course description | instructor | days | time |
RES536 Research Methods I | Rev. June LeBret | Monday | 8:00-10:00 AM |
MCC510 Homiletics | Dr. Simon Cheong | Monday | 1:30-5:00 PM |
THE620 (PHI) Christian Ethics | Dr. Michael Dalseno | Mon, Wed, Fri | 9:00-12:00NN; 1:20-3:10 PM |
BGR508 Greek I | Rev. Marlene Yap | Tuesday, Wed, Thurs | 9:30-11:10 AM |
BHE508 Hebrew I | Rev. Elavaya Oseso | Tue, W, Th, Fri | 9:30-10:45 AM |
BHE642 Exegesis of Proverbs | Dr. Kathleen Rochester | Tues, Thurs | 7:30-9:20am |
BNT690C Life of Christ | Dr. Galen Hertweck | Tues, Thurs | 9:30-11:20am |
THE584 Theology of Healing | Dr. Jun Kim | Tues, Thurs | 9:30-11:20am |
RES536 Research Methods I | Dr. Diana Clements | Tues, Thurs | 1:20-3:10 PM |
BGR521 Exegesis of Mark | Dr. Stuart Rochester | Tues, Thurs | 1:20-3:10 PM |
BIB538 (BTH/THE) Biblical Theology of Righteousness | Dr. Tony Chua | Tues, Thurs | 3:20-5:10 PM |
MIS510 Perspectives in World Missions | Dr. David Han | Tues, Thurs | 3:20-5:10 PM |
BIB528 Hermeneutics | Dr. Stuart Rochester | Wed, Fri | 7:30-9:20 AM |
BNT509 New Testament Introduction | Dr. Galen Hertweck | Wed, Fri | 9:30-11:20 AM |
HIS628 (MIS) Asian Church History | Dr. Tavita Pagaialii | Wed, Fri | 9:30-11:20 AM |
MCE591 Bible School Organization and Administration | Dr. Darin Clements | Wed, Fri | 1:20-3:10 PM |
MCH510 Foundations for Ministry | Dr. Joel Tejedo | Wed, Fri | 3:20-5:10 PM |
MCE536 (MIS) Intercultural Education | Dr. Laura Sun | Wed, Fri | 3:20-5:10 PM |
THE580 Perspectives in Pentecostalism | Rev. Tham Wan Yee with Rev. Jemon Subang | Wednesday | 6:00-9:40 PM |
MCH530 Foundations of Leadership and Management | Dr. William Toh | Friday | 1:20-5:20 PM |
MCH590Q Spiritual Formation | Dr. Tom Bohnert | Saturday | 8:00-12:00 NN |