Biblical Languages (BGR)

Biblical Languages (BGR)

Biblical Languages (BGR)

Biblical Languages (BGR)

Biblical Languages (BGR)

Biblical Languages (BGR)

BGR 508 Greek I, BGR 509 Greek II

Biblical Languages (BGR)

Biblical Languages (BGR)

Biblical Languages (BGR)

BGR 510 Greek III

Biblical Languages (BGR)

Biblical Languages (BGR)

Biblical Languages (BGR)

BGR 601 Advanced Greek

Biblical Languages (BGR)

Biblical Languages (BGR)

Biblical Languages (BGR)

BHE 508, Hebrew I, BHE 509 Hebrew II

Biblical Languages (BGR)

Biblical Languages (BGR)

Biblical Languages (BGR)

BHE 510 Hebrew III

Biblical Theology (BTH)

Biblical Theology (BTH)

Biblical Theology (BTH)

Biblical Theology (BTH)

Biblical Theology (BTH)

Biblical Theology (BTH)

BTH 514 Spirit of God in the Old Testament

Biblical Theology (BTH)

Biblical Theology (BTH)

Biblical Theology (BTH)

BTH 515 The Holy Spirit in the New Testament

Biblical Theology (BTH)

Biblical Theology (BTH)

Biblical Theology (BTH)

BTH 567 Biblical Theology of Missions

Biblical Theology (BTH)

Biblical Theology (BTH)

Biblical Theology (BTH)

BTH 597 Hebrew Prophetic Movement

Biblical Theology (BTH)

Biblical Theology (BTH)

Biblical Theology (BTH)

BTH 610 Old Testament Theology

Biblical Theology (BTH)

Biblical Theology (BTH)

Biblical Theology (BTH)

BTH 611 New Testament Theology

Biblical Theology (BTH)

Biblical Theology (BTH)

Biblical Theology (BTH)

BTH 635 Exegesis of Psalms

Biblical Theology (BTH)

Biblical Theology (BTH)

Biblical Theology (BTH)

BTH 660 Lukan Theology

Biblical Theology (BTH)

Biblical Theology (BTH)

Biblical Theology (BTH)

BTH 661 Pauline Theology

Biblical Theology (BTH)

Biblical Theology (BTH)

Biblical Theology (BTH)

BTH 662 Johannine Theology

Biblical Studies (BIB)

Biblical Studies (BIB)

Biblical Studies (BIB)

Biblical Languages (BGR)

Biblical Languages (BGR)

Biblical Languages (BGR)

BGR 508 Greek I, BGR 509 Greek II

Biblical Languages (BGR)

Biblical Languages (BGR)

Biblical Languages (BGR)

BGR 510 Greek III

Biblical Languages (BGR)

Biblical Languages (BGR)

Biblical Languages (BGR)

BGR 601 Advanced Greek

Biblical Languages (BGR)

Biblical Languages (BGR)

Biblical Languages (BGR)

BHE 508, Hebrew I, BHE 509 Hebrew II

Biblical Languages (BGR)

Biblical Languages (BGR)

Biblical Languages (BGR)

BHE 510 Hebrew III

Biblical Theology (BTH)

Biblical Theology (BTH)

Biblical Theology (BTH)

BTH 514 Spirit of God in the Old Testament

Biblical Theology (BTH)

Biblical Theology (BTH)

Biblical Theology (BTH)

BTH 515 The Holy Spirit in the New Testament

Biblical Theology (BTH)

Biblical Theology (BTH)

Biblical Theology (BTH)

BTH 567 Biblical Theology of Missions

Biblical Theology (BTH)

Biblical Theology (BTH)

Biblical Theology (BTH)

BTH 597 Hebrew Prophetic Movement

Biblical Theology (BTH)

Biblical Theology (BTH)

Biblical Theology (BTH)

BTH 610 Old Testament Theology

Communication (MCC)

Communication (MCC)

Communication (MCC)

Communication (MCC)

Communication (MCC)

Communication (MCC)

MCC 510 Homiletics

Communication (MCC)

Communication (MCC)

Communication (MCC)

MCC 580 Cross Cultural Communication (MIS 580)

Communication (MCC)

Communication (MCC)

Communication (MCC)

MCC 612 Mentoring and Leadership

Communication (MCC)

Communication (MCC)

Communication (MCC)

MCC 620 Pentecostal Preaching

Communication (MCC)

Communication (MCC)

Communication (MCC)

MCC 631 Expository Preaching

Communication (MCC)

Communication (MCC)

Communication (MCC)

MCC 637 Practicum in Media

Communication (MCC)

Communication (MCC)

Communication (MCC)

MCC 590/690 ST Special Topic

Christian Education (MCE)

Christian Education (MCE)

Christian Education (MCE)

Christian Education (MCE)

Christian Education (MCE)

Christian Education (MCE)

MCE 522 Foundations of Christian Education

Christian Education (MCE)

Christian Education (MCE)

Christian Education (MCE)

MCE 523 Educational Psychology

Christian Education (MCE)

Christian Education (MCE)

Christian Education (MCE)

MCE 524 Curriculum Theory & Development

Christian Education (MCE)

Christian Education (MCE)

Christian Education (MCE)

MCE 529 Discipleship Ministries in the Church

Christian Education (MCE)

Christian Education (MCE)

Christian Education (MCE)

MCE 541 College Teaching

Christian Education (MCE)

Christian Education (MCE)

Christian Education (MCE)

MCE 550 School and Church Libraries

Christian Education (MCE)

Christian Education (MCE)

Christian Education (MCE)

MCE 591 Bible School Organization and Administration

Christian Education (MCE)

Christian Education (MCE)

Christian Education (MCE)

MCE 637 Practicum in College Teaching

Christian Education (MCE)

Christian Education (MCE)

Christian Education (MCE)

MCE 638 Practicum in Christian Education

Christian Education (MCE)

Christian Education (MCE)

Christian Education (MCE)

MCE 640 Practicum in Theological Education and Administration

Church Ministries (MCH)

Church Ministries (MCH)

Church Ministries (MCH)

Church Ministries (MCE)

Church Ministries (MCE)

Church Ministries (MCE)

MCH 510 Foundations for Ministry

Church Ministries (MCE)

Church Ministries (MCE)

Church Ministries (MCE)

MCH 521 Pastoral Ministries

Church Ministries (MCE)

Church Ministries (MCE)

Church Ministries (MCE)

MCH 523 Pastoral Counseling

Church Ministries (MCE)

Church Ministries (MCE)

Church Ministries (MCE)

MCH 530 Foundations of Leadership and Management

Church Ministries (MCE)

Church Ministries (MCE)

Church Ministries (MCE)

MCH 533 Christian Marriage and Family

Church Ministries (MCE)

Church Ministries (MCE)

Church Ministries (MCE)

MCH 535 Church Management

Church Ministries (MCE)

Church Ministries (MCE)

Church Ministries (MCE)

MCH 537 Evangelism

Church Ministries (MCE)

Church Ministries (MCE)

Church Ministries (MCE)

MCH 540 Asian Institute of Youth Studies – Youth Ministry

Church Ministries (MCE)

Church Ministries (MCE)

Church Ministries (MCE)

MCH 541 Asian Institute of Youth Studies - Campus Ministry

Church Ministries (MCE)

Church Ministries (MCE)

Church Ministries (MCE)

MCH 542 Child Evangelism and Child Psychology

History (HIS)

History (HIS)

History (HIS)

History (HIS)

History (HIS)

History (HIS)

HIS 568 History of Missions

History (HIS)

History (HIS)

History (HIS)

HIS 583 History of the Modern Pentecostal Movement

History (HIS)

History (HIS)

History (HIS)

HIS 592 World Church History I

History (HIS)

History (HIS)

History (HIS)

HIS 593 World Church History II

History (HIS)

History (HIS)

History (HIS)

HIS 628 Asian Church History

History (HIS)

History (HIS)

History (HIS)

HIS 635 Theology Since 1500

History (HIS)

History (HIS)

History (HIS)

HIS 642 Patristic and Medieval Theology

History (HIS)

History (HIS)

History (HIS)

HIS 643 Reformation Theology

Missions (MIS)

Missions (MIS)

Missions (MIS)

Missions (MIS)

Missions (MIS)

Missions (MIS)

MIS 510 Perspectives in World Mission

Missions (MIS)

Missions (MIS)

Missions (MIS)

MIS 520 Applied Missionary Cultural Anthropology

Missions (MIS)

Missions (MIS)

Missions (MIS)

MIS 536 Intercultural Education (MCE 536)

Missions (MIS)

Missions (MIS)

Missions (MIS)

MIS 551 Approaches to Muslims

Missions (MIS)

Missions (MIS)

Missions (MIS)

MIS 552 Christian Ministry in Muslim Context

Missions (MIS)

Missions (MIS)

Missions (MIS)

MIS 553 Muslim-Christian Theological Issues

Missions (MIS)

Missions (MIS)

Missions (MIS)

MIS 555 Women in Islam

Missions (MIS)

Missions (MIS)

Missions (MIS)

MIS 559 Islam and the Gospel

Missions (MIS)

Missions (MIS)

Missions (MIS)

MIS 560 Introduction to Buddhism

Missions (MIS)

Missions (MIS)

Missions (MIS)

MIS 561 Contextualization of the Gospel to Buddhist People

Missions (MIS)

Missions (MIS)

Missions (MIS)

MIS 565 Pentecostal Ministry in Animistic Contexts

Missions (MIS)

Missions (MIS)

Missions (MIS)

MIS 567 Biblical Theology of Missions

Missions (MIS)

Missions (MIS)

Missions (MIS)

MIS 568 History of Missions (HIS 568)

Missions (MIS)

Missions (MIS)

Missions (MIS)

MIS 569 Folk Islam and Power Encounter

Missions (MIS)

Missions (MIS)

Missions (MIS)

MIS 570 Asian Theological Issues (THE 570)

Missions (MIS)

Missions (MIS)

Missions (MIS)

MIS 580 Cross-Cultural Communications (MCC 580)

Missions (MIS)

Missions (MIS)

Missions (MIS)

MIS 587 Studies in Pentecostal Missions (PEN 587)

Missions (MIS)

Missions (MIS)

Missions (MIS)

MIS 601 Missionary Methods and Strategies

Missions (MIS)

Missions (MIS)

Missions (MIS)

MIS 602 Issues in Cross-Cultural Ministry

Missions (MIS)

Missions (MIS)

Missions (MIS)

MIS 603 Missions Survey

Missions (MIS)

Missions (MIS)

Missions (MIS)

MIS 611 Advanced Perspectives in World Missions

Missions (MIS)

Missions (MIS)

Missions (MIS)

MIS 628 Asian Church History (HIS 628)

Missions (MIS)

Missions (MIS)

Missions (MIS)

MIS 631 East Asian Religions (PHI 631)

Missions (MIS)

Missions (MIS)

Missions (MIS)

MIS 633 Philippine Mountain Ministry

Missions (MIS)

Missions (MIS)

Missions (MIS)

MIS 637, MIS 638, MIS 639 Practicum in Missions

Missions (MIS)

Missions (MIS)

Missions (MIS)

MIS 645 Signs and Wonders in Missions

Missions (MIS)

Missions (MIS)

Missions (MIS)

MIS 647 Teacher Training in English as a Foreign Language (MCE 647)

Missions (MIS)

Missions (MIS)

Missions (MIS)

MIS 649 Practicum in TESL

Missions (MIS)

Missions (MIS)

Missions (MIS)

MIS 650 Issues in Contextualization (THE 650)

Missions (MIS)

Missions (MIS)

Missions (MIS)

MIS 590/690 ST Special Topic

New Testament (BNT)

New Testament (BNT)

New Testament (BNT)

New Testament (BNT)

New Testament (BNT)

New Testament (BNT)

BNT 509 New Testament Introduction

New Testament (BNT)

New Testament (BNT)

New Testament (BNT)

BNT 513 New Testament History

New Testament (BNT)

New Testament (BNT)

New Testament (BNT)

BNT 515 The Holy Spirit in the New Testament

New Testament (BNT)

New Testament (BNT)

New Testament (BNT)

BNT 516 Synoptic Gospels

New Testament (BNT)

New Testament (BNT)

New Testament (BNT)

BNT 611 New Testament Theology

New Testament (BNT)

New Testament (BNT)

New Testament (BNT)

BNT 521 Exegesis of Mark

New Testament (BNT)

New Testament (BNT)

New Testament (BNT)

BNT 618 Exegesis of 1 Corinthians

New Testament (BNT)

New Testament (BNT)

New Testament (BNT)

BNT 630 Exegesis of Ephesians

New Testament (BNT)

New Testament (BNT)

New Testament (BNT)

BNT 633 Exegesis of Matthew

New Testament (BNT)

New Testament (BNT)

New Testament (BNT)

BNT 635 Exegesis of Romans

New Testament (BNT)

New Testament (BNT)

New Testament (BNT)

BNT 637 Exegesis of the Pastoral Epistles

New Testament (BNT)

New Testament (BNT)

New Testament (BNT)

BNT 641 Exegesis of John

New Testament (BNT)

New Testament (BNT)

New Testament (BNT)

BNT 643 Exegesis of Johannine Letters

New Testament (BNT)

New Testament (BNT)

New Testament (BNT)

BNT 645 Exegesis of Hebrews

New Testament (BNT)

New Testament (BNT)

New Testament (BNT)

BNT 646 Exegesis of Luke

New Testament (BNT)

New Testament (BNT)

New Testament (BNT)

BNT 647 Exegesis of Acts

New Testament (BNT)

New Testament (BNT)

New Testament (BNT)

BNT 660 Lukan Theology

New Testament (BNT)

New Testament (BNT)

New Testament (BNT)

BNT 661 Pauline Theology

New Testament (BNT)

New Testament (BNT)

New Testament (BNT)

BNT 662 Johannine Theology

New Testament (BNT)

New Testament (BNT)

New Testament (BNT)

BNT 663 Luke-Acts: A Pentecostal Perspective

New Testament (BNT)

New Testament (BNT)

New Testament (BNT)

BNT 690 ST Special Topics

New Testament (BNT)

New Testament (BNT)

New Testament (BNT)

BNT 691 Parables of Jesus

Old Testament (BOT)

Old Testament (BOT)

Old Testament (BOT)

Old Testament (BOT)

Old Testament (BOT)

Old Testament (BOT)

BOT 508 Old Testament Introduction

Old Testament (BOT)

Old Testament (BOT)

Old Testament (BOT)

BOT 512 Old Testament History

Old Testament (BOT)

Old Testament (BOT)

Old Testament (BOT)

BOT 513 Former Prophets

Old Testament (BOT)

Old Testament (BOT)

Old Testament (BOT)

BOT 514 Spirit of God in the Old Testament

Old Testament (BOT)

Old Testament (BOT)

Old Testament (BOT)

BOT 595 Wisdom Literature

Old Testament (BOT)

Old Testament (BOT)

Old Testament (BOT)

BOT 597 Hebrew Prophetic Movement

Old Testament (BOT)

Old Testament (BOT)

Old Testament (BOT)

BOT 610 Old Testament Theology

Old Testament (BOT)

Old Testament (BOT)

Old Testament (BOT)

BOT 632 Exegesis of Esther

Old Testament (BOT)

Old Testament (BOT)

Old Testament (BOT)

BOT 636 Exegesis of Ruth

Old Testament (BOT)

Old Testament (BOT)

Old Testament (BOT)

BOT 638 Exegesis of Jonah

Pentecostal Studies (PEN)

Pentecostal Studies (PEN)

Pentecostal Studies (PEN)

Pentecostal Studies (PEN)

Pentecostal Studies (PEN)

Pentecostal Studies (PEN)

PEN 514 Spirit of God in the Old Testament

Pentecostal Studies (PEN)

Pentecostal Studies (PEN)

Pentecostal Studies (PEN)

PEN 515 Holy Spirit in the New Testament

Pentecostal Studies (PEN)

Pentecostal Studies (PEN)

Pentecostal Studies (PEN)

PEN 560 Theological Issues in Pentecostalism

Pentecostal Studies (PEN)

Pentecostal Studies (PEN)

Pentecostal Studies (PEN)

PEN 580 Theological Issues in Pentecostalism

Pentecostal Studies (PEN)

Pentecostal Studies (PEN)

Pentecostal Studies (PEN)

PEN 583 History of the Modern Pentecostal Movement

Pentecostal Studies (PEN)

Pentecostal Studies (PEN)

Pentecostal Studies (PEN)

PEN 585 Modern Pentecostal Thought

Pentecostal Studies (PEN)

Pentecostal Studies (PEN)

Pentecostal Studies (PEN)

PEN 587 Studies in Pentecostal Missions

Pentecostal Studies (PEN)

Pentecostal Studies (PEN)

Pentecostal Studies (PEN)

PEN 598 Issues in Asian Pentecostalism

Pentecostal Studies (PEN)

Pentecostal Studies (PEN)

Pentecostal Studies (PEN)

PEN 670 Pneumatology

Pentecostal Studies (PEN)

Pentecostal Studies (PEN)

Pentecostal Studies (PEN)

PEN 675 Pauline Pneumatology

Pentecostal Studies (PEN)

Pentecostal Studies (PEN)

Pentecostal Studies (PEN)

PEN 690 Contemporary Pneumatology

Pentecostal Studies (PEN)

Pentecostal Studies (PEN)

Pentecostal Studies (PEN)

PEN 595-695 Special Topics in Pentecostalism

Philosophy (PHI)

Philosophy (PHI)

Philosophy (PHI)

Philosophy (PHI)

Philosophy (PHI)

Philosophy (PHI)

PHI 515 Philosophy for Understanding Theology

Philosophy (PHI)

Philosophy (PHI)

Philosophy (PHI)

PHI 610 Apologetics

Philosophy (PHI)

Philosophy (PHI)

Philosophy (PHI)

PHI 620 Christian Ethics

Philosophy (PHI)

Philosophy (PHI)

Philosophy (PHI)

PHI 631 East Asian Religions

Philosophy (PHI)

Philosophy (PHI)

Philosophy (PHI)

PHI 690 ST Special Topics

Research (RES)

Research (RES)

Research (RES)

Research (RES)

Research (RES)

Research (RES)

RES 536 Research Methods I

Research (RES)

Research (RES)

Research (RES)

RES 537 Research Methods II--Statistics

Research (RES)

Research (RES)

Research (RES)

RES 538 Research Methods II--Non-Statistics

Research (RES)

Research (RES)

Research (RES)

RES 601 Thesis

Research (RES)

Research (RES)

Research (RES)

RES 602 Field Research Project

Research (RES)

Research (RES)

Research (RES)

RES 699 Directed Research

Research (RES)

Research (RES)

Research (RES)

FED 700-FED 702 Field Education

Theology (THE)

Theology (THE)

Theology (THE)

Theology (THE)

Theology (THE)

Theology (THE)

THE 515 Philosophy for Understanding Theology

Theology (THE)

Theology (THE)

Theology (THE)

THE 530 Systematic Theology I

Theology (THE)

Theology (THE)

Theology (THE)

THE 531 Systematic Theology II

Theology (THE)

Theology (THE)

Theology (THE)

THE 560 Theological Issues in Pentecostalism

Theology (THE)

Theology (THE)

Theology (THE)

THE 567 Biblical Theology of Missions

Theology (THE)

Theology (THE)

Theology (THE)

THE 570 Asian Theological Issues

Theology (THE)

Theology (THE)

Theology (THE)

THE 580 Perspectives in Pentecostalism

Theology (THE)

Theology (THE)

Theology (THE)

THE 582 Torah and Pentecostal Spirituality

Theology (THE)

Theology (THE)

Theology (THE)

THE 585 Theology of Healing

Theology (THE)

Theology (THE)

Theology (THE)

THE 598 Issues in Asian Pentecostalism

Theology (THE)

Theology (THE)

Theology (THE)

THE 620 Christian Ethics

Theology (THE)

Theology (THE)

Theology (THE)

THE 635 Theology Since 1500

Theology (THE)

Theology (THE)

Theology (THE)

THE 661 Pauline Theology

Theology (THE)

Theology (THE)

Theology (THE)

THE 662 Johannine Theology

Theology (THE)

Theology (THE)

Theology (THE)

THE 670 Pneumatology

Theology (THE)

Theology (THE)

Theology (THE)

THE 690 Contemporary Pneumatology

Theology (THE)

Theology (THE)

Theology (THE)

THE 690b Theology of Possessions and Wealth

Theology (THE)

Theology (THE)

Theology (THE)

THE 585b Modern Pentecostal Thought

Theology (THE)

Theology (THE)

Theology (THE)

THE693 Theology of the Father

Theology (THE)

Theology (THE)

Theology (THE)

THE 642 Patristic and Medieval Theology

Theology (THE)

Theology (THE)

Theology (THE)

THE 643 Reformation Theology

Theology (THE)

Theology (THE)

Theology (THE)

THE 650 Issues in Contextualization

Theology (THE)

Theology (THE)

Theology (THE)

THE 660 Lukan Theology

Doctor of Ministry (DMIN)

Doctor of Ministry (DMIN)

Doctor of Ministry (DMIN)

DMN 811 Pentecostal Spirituality and Ministry

Doctor of Ministry (DMIN)

Doctor of Ministry (DMIN)

Doctor of Ministry (DMIN)

DMN 817 Ministry and Money: Developing Stewards and Raising Funds

Doctor of Ministry (DMIN)

Doctor of Ministry (DMIN)

Doctor of Ministry (DMIN)

DMN 818 Ethics and Leadership & Ministry Practice

Doctor of Ministry (DMIN)

Doctor of Ministry (DMIN)

Doctor of Ministry (DMIN)

DMN 822 Contemporary Asian Pentecostal/ Charismatic Issues

Doctor of Ministry (DMIN)

Doctor of Ministry (DMIN)

Doctor of Ministry (DMIN)

DMN 824 Signs and Wonders in Ministry

Doctor of Ministry (DMIN)

Doctor of Ministry (DMIN)

Doctor of Ministry (DMIN)

DMN 825 Pentecostal Ministry in Animistic Contexts

Doctor of Ministry (DMIN)

Doctor of Ministry (DMIN)

Doctor of Ministry (DMIN)

DMN 833 Advanced Pentecostal Preaching

Doctor of Ministry (DMIN)

Doctor of Ministry (DMIN)

Doctor of Ministry (DMIN)

DMN 844 Pastoral Care and Counseling

Doctor of Ministry (DMIN)

Doctor of Ministry (DMIN)

Doctor of Ministry (DMIN)

DMN 855 Leadership in the 21st Century in Asian Context

Doctor of Ministry (DMIN)

Doctor of Ministry (DMIN)

Doctor of Ministry (DMIN)

DMN 858 Contemporary Pentecostal Ministry in the Urban Context

Doctor of Ministry (DMIN)

Doctor of Ministry (DMIN)

Doctor of Ministry (DMIN)

DMN 859 Pentecostal Holistic Ministry

Doctor of Ministry (DMIN)

Doctor of Ministry (DMIN)

Doctor of Ministry (DMIN)

DMN 867 Education and Discipleship Ministries in the Church

Doctor of Ministry (DMIN)

Doctor of Ministry (DMIN)

Doctor of Ministry (DMIN)

DMN 866 Managing Conflict and Change

Doctor of Ministry (DMIN)

Doctor of Ministry (DMIN)

Doctor of Ministry (DMIN)

DMN 870 Technology in Communication

Doctor of Ministry (DMIN)

Doctor of Ministry (DMIN)

Doctor of Ministry (DMIN)

DMN 871 College Teaching

Doctor of Ministry (DMIN)

Doctor of Ministry (DMIN)

Doctor of Ministry (DMIN)

DMN 877 Contemporary Issues in Pentecostal Missions

Doctor of Ministry (DMIN)

Doctor of Ministry (DMIN)

Doctor of Ministry (DMIN)

DMN 888 Research Project Seminar

Doctor of Ministry (DMIN)

Doctor of Ministry (DMIN)

Doctor of Ministry (DMIN)

DMN 899 Research Project

Doctor of Philosophy (PHD)

Doctor of Philosophy (PHD)

Doctor of Philosophy (PHD)

PHD EXAM Comprehensive Exam

Doctor of Philosophy (PHD)

Doctor of Philosophy (PHD)

Doctor of Philosophy (PHD)

PHD 901 Research Methodology Seminar

Doctor of Philosophy (PHD)

Doctor of Philosophy (PHD)

Doctor of Philosophy (PHD)

PHD 902 Guidelines for Theologizing in Asia/Pacific Seminar

Doctor of Philosophy (PHD)

Doctor of Philosophy (PHD)

Doctor of Philosophy (PHD)

PHD 903 Dissertation and Oral Defense

Doctor of Ministry (DMIN)

Doctor of Ministry (DMIN)

Doctor of Ministry (DMIN)

Doctor of Ministry (DMIN)

Doctor of Ministry (DMIN)

Doctor of Ministry (DMIN)

DMN 811 Pentecostal Spirituality and Ministry

Doctor of Ministry (DMIN)

Doctor of Ministry (DMIN)

Doctor of Ministry (DMIN)

DMN 817 Ministry and Money: Developing Stewards and Raising Funds

Doctor of Ministry (DMIN)

Doctor of Ministry (DMIN)

Doctor of Ministry (DMIN)

DMN 818 Ethics and Leadership & Ministry Practice

Doctor of Ministry (DMIN)

Doctor of Ministry (DMIN)

Doctor of Ministry (DMIN)

DMN 822 Contemporary Asian Pentecostal/ Charismatic Issues

Doctor of Ministry (DMIN)

Doctor of Ministry (DMIN)

Doctor of Ministry (DMIN)

DMN 824 Signs and Wonders in Ministry

Doctor of Ministry (DMIN)

Doctor of Ministry (DMIN)

Doctor of Ministry (DMIN)

DMN 825 Pentecostal Ministry in Animistic Contexts

Doctor of Ministry (DMIN)

Doctor of Ministry (DMIN)

Doctor of Ministry (DMIN)

DMN 833 Advanced Pentecostal Preaching

Doctor of Ministry (DMIN)

Doctor of Ministry (DMIN)

Doctor of Ministry (DMIN)

DMN 844 Pastoral Care and Counseling

Doctor of Ministry (DMIN)

Doctor of Ministry (DMIN)

Doctor of Ministry (DMIN)

DMN 855 Leadership in the 21st Century in Asian Context

Doctor of Ministry (DMIN)

Doctor of Ministry (DMIN)

Doctor of Ministry (DMIN)

DMN 858 Contemporary Pentecostal Ministry in the Urban Context

Doctor of Ministry (DMIN)

Doctor of Ministry (DMIN)

Doctor of Ministry (DMIN)

DMN 859 Pentecostal Holistic Ministry

Doctor of Ministry (DMIN)

Doctor of Ministry (DMIN)

Doctor of Ministry (DMIN)

DMN 867 Education and Discipleship Ministries in the Church

Doctor of Ministry (DMIN)

Doctor of Ministry (DMIN)

Doctor of Ministry (DMIN)

DMN 866 Managing Conflict and Change

Doctor of Ministry (DMIN)

Doctor of Ministry (DMIN)

Doctor of Ministry (DMIN)

DMN 870 Technology in Communication

Doctor of Ministry (DMIN)

Doctor of Ministry (DMIN)

Doctor of Ministry (DMIN)

DMN 871 College Teaching

Doctor of Ministry (DMIN)

Doctor of Ministry (DMIN)

Doctor of Ministry (DMIN)

DMN 877 Contemporary Issues in Pentecostal Missions

Doctor of Ministry (DMIN)

Doctor of Ministry (DMIN)

Doctor of Ministry (DMIN)

DMN 888 Research Project Seminar

Doctor of Ministry (DMIN)

Doctor of Ministry (DMIN)

Doctor of Ministry (DMIN)

DMN 899 Research Project

Doctor of Philosophy (PHD)

Doctor of Philosophy (PHD)

Doctor of Philosophy (PHD)

Doctor of Philosophy (PHD)

Doctor of Philosophy (PHD)

Doctor of Philosophy (PHD)

PHD EXAM Comprehensive Exam

Doctor of Philosophy (PHD)

Doctor of Philosophy (PHD)

Doctor of Philosophy (PHD)

PHD 901 Research Methodology Seminar

Doctor of Philosophy (PHD)

Doctor of Philosophy (PHD)

Doctor of Philosophy (PHD)

PHD 902 Guidelines for Theologizing in Asia/Pacific Seminar

Doctor of Philosophy (PHD)

Doctor of Philosophy (PHD)

Doctor of Philosophy (PHD)

PHD 903 Dissertation and Oral Defense