Asia Pacific Research Center (APRC)

Asia Pacific Research Center (APRC)

Asia Pacific Research Center (APRC)

The Asia Pacific Research Center (APRC) is developing an archive by which to study Pentecostalism, missions, and church growth within the Asia Pacific Region.





 Enable the people of Asia to understand and appreciate their Christian and Pentecostal heritage;


Provide tools by which missionaries and ministers can more effectively evangelize and disciple.




The APRC archive now holds tapes, CDs, publications, and varied documents and photos on the beginnings of the Assemblies of God in Asia Pacific. Also included are microfilms on the history of Christianity in China and CDs of early Pentecostal publications.




The APRC was established in the early 1990’s by the APTS President, William Menzies, with the assistance of Wonsuk Ma and Gary Flokstra, for the purpose of providing an archive by which to study Pentecostalism, Missions and Church Growth within the Asia Pacific Region. As of March 2012, Dr. A. Kay Fountain was appointed as the Director, succeeded by late Dr. Teresa Chai in the year 2018.

At present, the APRC is under the direction of Dr. Joel Tejedo.




APRC will emphasize the acquisition of primary sources either in the original languages or in English, of the following:

Pentecostal work and history in the Asia Pacific (e.g., oral histories, photographs, letters/documents, Assemblies of God missionaries and early General Council officers)

Christianity in Asia before 1500 and histories of indigenous works of Christianity since 1500 (will also include primary sources such as 8th-10th-century Christian documents from Turpan China and copies of the Nestorian stone in China)

Ethnographies and contextualized theologies for all people groups of the Asia Pacific region (e.g., cultural and religious studies of all ethnic groups; articles, books and dissertations o outreaches to these groups such as evangelistic and theological works)

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Read about Asian Pentecostalism on APTS Press

Stimulate creative contextualization of the Christian faith with APTS Press, the seminary’ publication arm

APTS Press

Read about Asian Pentecostalism on APTS Press

Stimulate creative contextualization of the Christian faith with APTS Press, the seminary’ publication arm