Registrar's Office

Registrar's Office

Registrar's Office

Registrar & Records

Registrar & Records

Registrar & Records

The Office of the Registrar provides academic and enrollment services. It maintains student records and transcripts for all current students, processes transcripts for alumni/ae, manages course information, including the registration process, schedules, grading, degree progress, classroom assignments, scheduling of final examinations, certification of enrollment and degrees awarded. In addition, it coordinates inter-institutional arrangements and oversees the protection and release of academic records.

If you cannot find what you are looking for here, we invite you to contact us and as we are happy to assist you personally.

Office of the Registrar staff

Office of the Registrar staff

Office of the Registrar staff

Rev. Jemon Subang, Registrar
Richard Yang-ed, Admissions

Office Hours

Office Hours

Office Hours

2nd Flr. ARC Building
Monday – Friday (8:00 A.M – 4:30 P.M.)

Contact Information

Contact Information

Contact Information

Registrar’s Office
P.O. Box 333
444 Ambuklao Road, Baguio City, 2600, Philippines
Phone:  + 63 442 2779
Fax: +63 442 2568

The multicultural makeup of APTS makes for a rich and enlightening community experience that is like a family away from home. From regular gatherings, programs and recreational activities to prayer and study groups, students will have a wide range of opportunities to make meaningful connections with those around them on a vibrant and diverse campus.




Document Request

Document Request

Document Request

Transcript, Diploma/Graduation Certificate, Certification letters, Transfer Credential, etc.

Student Applications

Student Applications

Student Applications

Apply as a student in APTS

Course Registration or Dropping

Course Registration or Dropping

Course Registration or Dropping

Register courses or drop a course currently taken during the trimester