Teaching areas: intercultural education, Christian education Ordination: Oklahoma District Council, USA (1998) PhD (Education), Asia Pacific Theological Seminary, Baguio City, Philippines (2019). Dissertation title: A Multiple Case Study of Approaches to Nonformal Christian Education among Assemblies of God of Cambodia Churches. MDiv (Biblical Studies), Asia Pacific Theological Seminary (2015) MA in Ministry, Asia Pacific Theological Seminary (2010) BA (Bible & Missions), Central Bible College, Springfield, MO, USA (1996) Darin served in Cambodia as a missionary with AGWM (USA) from 1997 to 2019. His ministry included (2002-2019) Bible school teaching and leadership, and translation/editing of discipleship material and the Fire Bible; (2000-2001) Director of Sihanoukville Children’s Home. Darin and his wife Dianna serve as partners in ministry with a focus on equipping men and women for local church ministry. They have one adopted daughter and one adopted son—Mycah and Nathan.