


Jiang, Jeffrey

Jiang, Jeffrey

Jiang, Jeffrey




About Faculty

About Faculty

About Faculty

Teaching Areas: Church Management, Contemporary Homiletics, Family Ministry, History of Christianity in Asia and China, Christian Ethics and Chinese Morality, Comparative Study of Religion D.Min Taiwan Theological College and Seminary, Taibei, Taiwan (2016) M.Min Alliance Bible Seminary, Cheung Chau Island, Hong Kong (2012) M.Div Malaysia Bible Seminary, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (2011) MBA Hongkong Baptist University, Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong (2006) B.Th Jinling Union Theological Seminary, Nanjing, China (1997) Ministerial Background Jeffrey is a third-generation Christian. He has been serving and church planting in the urban churches since graduated from Nanjing seminary in 1997. Because love learning and research, he completed many degrees in his spare time and applied the knowledge and insights which have learned to the front line. He is also touched and burdened by charity and missionary work, actively participated in the ministry of the World Vision and Salvation Army, and has been to Yunnan and neighboring countries for relevant services. At the same time, he has taught courses for several seminaries. Areas of Research Interest, Writings and Teachings “Discussion on the construction of Chinese urban house church from the perspective of integrated pastoral mode”, D.Min Thesis, Taiwan Theological college and seminary, 2016 “Supporting the Poor in Yunnan Province: A Reflection on the Social Concerns in Chinese Protestantism”, Nanjing Theological Review, issue106-107, 151-165. “The Significances of Family Ministries in Chinese Church”, Nanjing Theological Review, issue109,176-186. Family and Personal Interests Married to Joanna Yu, and have 1 adult children. His wife is a registered nurse who has worked in a government public hospital for 30 years. At present, she is studying children's education while working, hopes to educate the next generation of Christians in the church after five years of retirement. Personal interests include fishing, watching movies, camping, barbecue, and food.





