Teaching Areas:Research Methods, Pentecostalism, Ministry DMin, Asia Pacific Theological Seminary, Baguio City (2006) Certified Teacher, TESOL, Project of Asia, Alabang, MM (2004) MDiv., Asia Pacific Theological Seminary, Baguio City, Philippines (2001) MA in Ministry, Asia Pacific Theological Seminary, Baguio City (1999) BCM in Biblical Studies, Bethel Bible College, Valenzuela, MM (1994) Diploma in Ministry, Luzon Bible College, Pangasinan (1991) Ministerial Background Joel Agpalo Tejedo is the fourth son of the seven children of Mr. and Mrs. Vinancio Tejedo, born on July 12, 1970 in Munoz West Roxas, Isabela, Philippines. Most of his growing up years were spent in the streets on the outskirts of Munoz, Isabela. Although he came from a poor family but it was a loving and religious family. He was taught the basic knowledge of Christ during his childhood but it was after his graduation in high school that he personally experienced a genuine conversion through the powerful preaching of an Assemblies of God pastor. God’s calling upon his life seemed almost immediate. After coming to Christ when he was sixteen, he felt a strong desire to study in Bible School. So, entering Luzon Bible College in 1987, he received the Baptism in the Holy Spirit with the physical evidence of speaking in other tongues and became involved in different outreaches in the rural areas of Pangasinan. After completing his Diploma in Minstry in 1991, he was assigned to pioneer a church in Bulangao, Pangasinan, in where he served as a pioneer pastor for seven consecutive years. While doing a pioneering work, he enrolled at Bethel Bible College and completed his BCM in Biblical Studies in 1994. He enrolled in the Master of Divinity Program of Asia Pacific Theological Seminary, Baguio City in 1997 and completed the program in 2001. In 2007, he joined the Doctor of Ministry Program of APTS and completed the degree in 2011. Joel served as faculty and Academic Dean at Luzon Bible College. While serving as faculty and administrator of the school, he opened up extension centers in the major cities in Northern Luzon. Joel has taught theological and ministerial courses at three theological schools in Northern Luzon, Philippines; The Luzon Bible College (1999-2008), Asia Bible College (2004-up to Present), Agbiag Theological School. Currently, he is serving as full time instructor of Asia Pacific Theological Seminary, Baguio City, Philippines and directs the Impact Ministry of the seminary. Areas of Research Interest, Writings and Teachings Joel has written the following books and articles some of which have been presented in International lectureships: “A Pentecostal Witness in the Public Sphere: A Case of Four Non-Government Organizations Working among the Most Vulnerable People in the City of Vallejo, California” A paper presented at the International Conference on Religion and Spirituality in the Society, Berkeley University, Berkeley, California, USA, April 16-17, 2015; “How Filipino Pentecostals Build Communities in the Philippines, Baguio City” Sambayanihan Publishers, 2011; “The Bible, Civic Engagement, and Justice for the Poor“, A paper presented at the Asia Theological Consultation on the Scripture: Its Meaning, Message, and Mission in Asian Context, Malaysia Bible Seminary, Kuang, Malaysia, 2012; “Pentecostal Civic Engagement: How Ilocano and Cordilleran Pentecostal Churches Build Poor Communities in the Philippines”, AJPS 13:1 (2010): 41-64; “The Theology of the Ants: Towards a Pentecostal Theology of Moral Economics”, Unpublished Paper, 2012; “The Missionary Efforts of the Jesuits in the Philippines-1580-Up to Present: An Evangelical and Pentecostal Reflection”, A Paper presented at Backseuk University, Cheonan, South Korea, May 9, 2010; “Toward a Pentecostal Mission in the Context of Rural Poverty in the Philippines”, A paper presented at the 2nd Pentecostal Theological Consultation, Fisrtborn Bible College, Caba, La Union, January 2003; “A Pentecostal Response to Graft and Corruption in the Philippine Context”, A paper presented at the 3rd Pentecostal Theological Consultation at Luzon Bible College, January 2004; “The Economic Participation of Filipino Pentecostals: A Case of Selected Assemblies of God in the Philippines,” A paper presented at the International Conference on Pentecostal Theology in the Market Place, Alphacrucis College, Parrammata, Australia, July 16, 2013; “Religion, Migration, and Human Trafficking: A Case of Four Christian NGOs Working among the Victims of Human Trafficking in the Philippines, Malaysia, and China.” A paper presented at the World Alliance on Pentecostal Theological Education, August 26-27, 2013; “The Pentecostal Evangelization of Politics Has Begun: Evidence from Micro-Level Politics in the Philippines,” A paper presented at the International Conference on Religion, Democracy and Law, London Metropolitan University, London England, Janaury 15-16, 2014 and Australian National University, Canberra, Australia, April 2016. “Asian Perspective on Prosperity Theology, Simplicity, and Poverty” A Report Essay at the Lausanne Global Consultation on Prosperity Theology, Simplicity and Poverty, Sao Paulo, Brazil, March 30 to April 2, 2014 “The Pentacostal Civic Engagement in the Squatter Area of Baguio City, Philippines.” A paper presented at Tyndale Research Center for the Study of Christian Social Theology, Cambridge, England, July 8-10, 2015 and Cardiff University, July 17-19, 2015, Cardiff, England. Invited Guest Scholar for the International Conference on the Future of Churches, Bologna University, Bologna, Italy, October 5-7, 2016. Published books: The Church in the Public Square: Engaging our Christian Witness in the Community, Baguio City, Sambayanihan Publishers, 2016. He also translated The Baptism with the Holy Spirit by Verna M. Linzey, D.D., into Tagalog, 2008 Published books & Articles: Tejedo, Joel A. How to Reach Your Highest Potentials in Life: Defeating Your Greatest Fears and Bringing Your Life to the Fullest. Baguio City: Sambayanihan Publishers, 2021. Tejedo, Joel A. Living and Leading in an Extraordinary Times: Our Response to Covid-19 Pandemic. Baguio City: Sambayanihan Publishers, 2020. Tejedo, Joel A. How To Grow Your Marriage and Money for God's Mission. Baguio City: Sambayanihan Publishers, 2020. Tejedo, Joel A. Sambayanihan: How Ilocano and Cordilleran Pentecostals Build Communities. Baguio City, Philippines: Sambayanihan Publishers, 2011. Tejedo, Joel A. The Church in the Public Square: Engaging our Christian Witness in the Community, Baguio City, Sambayanihan Publishers, 2016. Tejedo, Joel A. "Asian Perspective on Prosperity Theology, Simplicity, and Poverty" in Prosperity Theology and the Gospel: Good News or Bad News for the Poor, edited by J. Daniel Salinas, Foreword by Valdir Steuernagel. Peabody, MS: Henrickson Publishers, 2017. Tejedo, Joel A. "The Pentecostal Evangelization of Politics Has Begun: Evidence from Micro-Level Politics in the Philippines," in Colonial Transformation and Asian Religions in Modern History, Edited by David W. Kim. Cambridge, England: Cambridge Publishing Scholars, 2018. Tejedo, Joel A. “Pentecostal Mega-Churches in Metro Manila Philippines: A Case of Jesus Is Lord and Word of Hope Church,” in Pentecostal Mega Churches in South East Asia: Negotiating Class, Consumption and the Nation, Edited by, Terrence Chong. Singapore: ISEAS Research Center, 2018. Tejedo, Joel A. "The Pentecostal Civic Engagement in the Squatter Area of Baguio City, Philippines" International Review of Mission of World Council of Churches, Vol 107 # 1 (2018): 159- 178. Tejedo, Joel A. "The Bible, Civic Engagement and Justice for the Poor: A Pentecostal Perspective" Journal of Asian Mission, Volume 13, Number 2 (October 2012): 3-14. Family and Personal Interests Joel is married to Carolyn and they have three children: Hannah, Luke, and Joel Jr.
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