Teaching Areas: Old Testament Associate in Music, Australia [A.Mus.A.], piano performing (1967) Licentiate, Trinity College of Music, London [L.T.C.L.] piano teaching (1975) Bachelor of Science [B.Sc.], University of New England (1973) Diploma in Education [Dip.Ed.], University of New England (1974) Bachelor of Divinity [B.D.], Melbourne College of Divinity, Melbourne (1991) Master of Theology [Th.M.], Regent College, Vancouver, Canada (2000) Doctor of Philosophy [PhD] Durham University, UK (2009) Ministerial Background After many years of teaching children and adults at different levels and in different subjects, Kathleen was called to ministry. After completing ministry training in Australia, she was ordained as a minister of the Australian Churches of Christ. She subsequently pastored churches of different denominations in Australia, the UK and Canada for around 20 years. Together with her husband, Dr Stuart Rochester, she has also taught in Bible Colleges and Seminaries in Australia, the UK, Ethiopia, Latvia, Ukraine, India, Malaysia as well as the Philippines. Areas of Research Interest, Writings and Teachings Kathleen has a special interest in the Old Testament as well as in pastoral ministry. Her doctoral research at Durham University, UK, focused on the prophetic ministries of Jeremiah and Ezekiel. Her most recent book is God the Leader: A Journey Through the Old Testament (Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock, 2020). She has written several articles connecting insights from the Old Testament to contemporary pastoral needs. Family and Personal Interests Kathleen and Stuart have made their home in Tasmania, Australia where they have four children and six grandchildren. She enjoys playing the piano and was, for many years, involved in the musical leadership of worship services. Kathleen was also the conductor and director of a large interdenominational group which presented Christian musicals and other events around Tasmania. In this she worked closely with Stuart, who was chief musician.