Teaching Areas: Intercultural Education & Leadership and Spiritual Dynamics Ph.D. in Intercultural Education, Biola University (2007) M.A., Intercultural Studies, Fuller Theological Seminary (2002) MS. Interdisciplinary Telecommunication Program (ITP) University of Colorado (1999) MLA. Oklahoma City University, OKC.OK. (1996) B.A. Library Science, National Taiwan University (1985) Ministerial Background Laura served as a professional librarian, as well as a press journalist and a correspondence reporter for Christian Tribune and several Christian Periodicals, in Taipei, Taiwan, until she went to the US for further studies in 1991. Ordained by Third Day churches in San Diego, USA, in 2005. Upon finishing her academic studies, then published her dissertation into a book in Chinese as 妈妈老师 in 2008. Since then she traveled extensively to different places and countries to advocate the biblical values of education by conducting seminars and workshops for parents and educators in the church context. Seminar and workshops topics included: Godly Parenting in the 21st Century; Homeschooling vs. China Mission in the Global Era; Living fully with the True Color of Life; and From the Three Kingdoms to the Three Unison of Blessings. Before coming to APTS, Laura had served as a full-time seminary teacher in Taiwan. Design and develop life-changing curricula and teach practical theology courses to impart Kingdom value on people’s lives are always the goals of her teaching. Areas of Research Interest, Writings and Teachings Laura has written articles on the personal spiritual growth of the Chinese homeschooling mothers regarding their faith and cultural experiences. Her dissertation, Dare to Homeschool: the Faith Journey of 100 Chinese Mommy-Teachers was published by Hong Kong Baptist Press as part of their Challenges and Responses series in 2008. Laura’s passion is to see people’s life transformed by having a paradigm shift when coming to terms with learning. This has led her into research on social media, experiential learning, and Jewish root of Christianity. Published Books • Mom Teacher – 100 Chinese Mothers Challenge the Story of “Home Education”, 2008
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