Teaching Areas: Ethics, Old Testament Survey, New Testament Survey, Basic Doctrine Ed.D Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia (2004) D.Min Christian International School of Theology, Florida, USA (1998) M.Div Christian International School of Theology, Florida, USA (1995) MEc (Com) Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia (1982) BEc (Hons) James Cook University of North Queensland, Townsville, Australia (1975) Ministerial Background Lecturer in Advanced Financial Accounting for 10 years at three Australian universities. Academic Dean of an Assemblies of God Bible college in Australia for 15 years, later including Principal and College Board Member. Currently Director, Logos International Leadership, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia, and serves as a pastor at First Assembly of God Church Kuala Lumpur, since 2008. AG Ministry credentials with AG Malaysia. A member of the Australian College of Educators. Fellow Certified Practicing Accountant. Areas of Research Interest, Writings and Teachings Has written various articles in Christian magazines related to Ethics, Cultural transmission in churches and colleges, and Contemporary issues. Also written 2 practical life commentaries Textbooks in Pentateuch and Old Testament History. Family and Personal Interests Married to Irene LayLim Dalseno, and have 4 adult children. We mostly reside in Malaysia which is the home office for Logos International Leadership College and travel to many nations in our capacities as Logos College Directors including Philippines, Australia, Papua New Guinea, South Africa, and various countries in South and South-East Asia. Personal interests include Mountain Bike riding for recreation and exercise.