About Faculty
Teaching Areas: Greek Th.M, Asia Graduate School of Theology Philippines(2021) M.Div., Asia Pacific Theological Seminary (1998) M.A. (Theology), Asia Pacific Theological Seminary (1992) Certified Public Accountant, licensure (1986) B.Sc. (Business Administration & Accountancy, University of the Philippines (1985) Ministerial Background Marlene Y. Yap served at United Bethel Church in Manila from 1989 to 2000. Her ministry involvement included pastoral, youth, worship, discipleship and Christian Education, outreach, and managerial and Financial administration. In the years 2000 to 2010, she served in Northern Asia and was involved in Bible translation and distribution, and pastoral and leadership training. Areas of Research Interest, Writings and Teachings Aside from teaching Biblical Greek, she is currently doing post-graduate studies at Asia Graduate School of Theology.
(+63)(074)442-2779 loc. 107